Sunday, November 26, 2006

I'm big in the UK

Last weekend my regular day of bumming around Ritual paid off when I met a reporter for The Observer and did an interview about, you know, Web 2.0 or whatever. I didn't want to tell the reporter that I mostly read The Guardian for my British news, which turned out to be a good move since The Observer is the Sunday edition of the Guardian. Sort fo like the NYT Sunday edition for England. Which is cool.
I got one of my favorite quotes in there, which Thor and I developed after thousands of meetings with startups:
Grubb said: 'We work with a lot of start-ups. Everybody wants to be the MySpace of coffee drinking with iPod-like simplicity - "We're going to be the MySpace of music". Well, MySpace is the MySpace of music. The best products grow out of trying to solve a problem, not copying a success story.'

I might also be in the podcast, but I can't stand the sound of my own recorded voice so I'll let the community listen to it and report back.
The story is called www.thenewrevolutionaries, which is sorta funny since we don't use the www anymore, but it's way better than


Anonymous Anonymous said...

sports hat and a sweatshirt?

4:46 PM, November 26, 2006  
Blogger Jonathan said...

Yeah, that's what I said. By "sports hat" he means a UK type sports hat, like you'd wear with a sport coat. I mean, the hat's fucking Italian. And yes, I was wearing a long sleave t-shirt, which you could possibly consider a sweatshirt if you were squinting.

10:08 PM, November 26, 2006  

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